Sixth Form Learning Mentors

Sue Garlick / Categories: General

Sixth Form Learning Mentors

Sharing Knowledge, Experience and Time

As part of our Sixth Form Enrichment Programme, some of our Sixth Form students work with younger students in the school to provide support and guidance. All our Learning Mentors complete six weeks of training so they have the skills and knowledge to fully support our Year 7 and 8 students.

It is a great opportunity for our older students to share their experiences whilst providing our younger students with a friendly face that they can talk to.  Our Sixth Form students have shared some of the good things about the Programme:


“It is really nice to just talk with them”

“They are very honest and open with us, they want to talk with us”

 “We are building really good relationships with the students”

“I feel I can really help them and make a difference”.


The Sixth Form also provides Reading Mentors who also work with the younger students in the school, supporting them with their reading on a weekly basis.


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