Governance at The Regis School is formed at two levels and provides an excellent level of quality assurance, challenge and support. As an academy within United Learning, there is a central board of directors who oversees the performance of all academies within the chain. Beneath the board and reporting to it are senior central staff who provide support, challenge and scrutiny to ensure The Regis School continues to aspire to provide an effective education. These roles include:
- A Regional Director who visits at least once per half term. Time is spent scrutinising performance data, self-evaluation, improvement planning, systems and structures, finance and safeguarding, leading to challenge and support where required. At least one visit per term includes a more in depth study of the school including learning walks, student work scrutiny, interviews with a range of staff and students, and documentation scrutiny. For these visits the Director is accompanied by an Ofsted trained inspector, the Deputy Director of secondary schools and usually a Principal from another United learning school. For all visits a formal report is produced with actions which the school formally responds to in its improvement plan.
- A Business Partner who visits the school at least once per half term, focusing on finance, ensuring best value and sustainability, and providing challenge and support where required.
The school also has a Local Governing Body (LGB) whose governors represent a mix of experienced stakeholders. The role of the LGB is to provide challenge, support and advice to the school’s leadership team on all school matters and also to advise the Director of Secondary Schools as required. The work of the LGB is extensive and includes:
- At least termly Governance meetings that focus on school self-evaluation, improvement planning, student and staff performance, finance, safeguarding, health and safety and buildings. These meetings are minuted.
- At least termly committee meetings: A Standards Committee meets focusing on student performance, leadership, and teaching and learning. A Student Services Committee meets focusing on safeguarding, behaviour and welfare, vulnerable groups including Pupil Premium and SEN, student voice and our Rights Respecting School status. A Finance Committee focuses on the school finances and best value. These meetings are minuted.
- Formal themed visits by individual governors focusing on the effectiveness of leadership, quality of teaching, behaviour and welfare, student performance, pupil premium, SEN, finance and health and safety. The expertise of governors enable the effective (where applicable to the theme) scrutiny of documentation, interviews with staff and students, learning walks and student work scrutiny. A formal report is written by the visiting governor(s) which summarises findings and includes recommendations where appropriate, which are acted upon by the school’s senior leadership team. These reports form part of the rigorous support and challenge that ensure governors know the school well.
- Frequent meetings between the Chair of Governors and the Principal to discuss various strategies and current effective practice and issues.
Click here to read the strategy for local governance
Mrs D Willson - Chair (Community Governor)
Mrs J Wilson (Community Governor)
Mr J Comins (Community Governor)
Mr C Hiscock (Community Governor)
Mr P Proudley (Community Governor)
Mr S Weston (Staff Governor)
Ms A Charczun (Staff Governor)
Mrs R Lavender (Community Governor)
Mrs S Harbottle (Parent/Carer Governor)
To contact the Chair of Governors, Mrs Diane Willson, please use the following email address:
Click the blue text to access the Attendance at Local Governing Body Meetings and Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests for the academic year 2022-23 at Full Governing Body Meetings.
Local Governing Body Meetings and Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests 2023-24 will be uploaded here.